Can my child write a letter to Santa Claus?
Absolutely, letters to Santa Claus are part of the experience. This is important to follow closely. If you would like to have your child write a letter to Santa Claus, Santa would love to hear from them. Encourage them to use moderation when asking for toys. You may want to let them know that their family is gifting certain “big ticket” toys. The logic here is that if your child gets very expensive presents or simply lots of presents from Santa Claus and they share that information with other children who may only get a couple things, they could create a feeling of hurt in the mind of a child who does not understand why Santa Claus gave their gifts differently. Now if Santa only brings a small number of toys and the rest are from family, the hurt can be avoided. Remind them, if it arises, that Santa’s magic is limited to toys. He cannot bring back relatives or pets that have passed away, cure diseases, bring military folks home from deployments, or help restore broken marriages. Now after they write their letter, place it in an envelope addressed to: Santa Claus, North Pole. Without their knowledge, place that envelope inside another envelope and mail to: Amelia Island Santa or Santa Claus 2107 Oak Bluff Court, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034. Santa will read your child’s letter and stamp it naughty or nice and place a short note from Santa Claus. (They are all nice). When your child arrives they will receive the letter back as a keepsake. If you have more than one child coming, have them each write letters in individual envelopes. Place those together in a single envelope and mail as shown above.
How many children can I bring for a single time slot?
We believe that the individual attention required for each child to have the cherished experience that we are striving to achieve would limit, in most cases, to three children from a family. Individual cases, such as a family with much older children mixed with younger ones might work, assuming the older children are there in the true spirit of the experience. If you have more children please select two time slots.
Can I bring the whole neighborhood?
As brave as that sounds on your part, the answer is no. We want the children to have a magical memory that last a lifetime. That is impossible to do with a bunch of children.
Do they all have to be siblings?
No, as long as the numbers are still small. A pair of cousins and one parent or guardian for each would be fine. Nine cousins with two parents each and grandparents would be too much. If you think you should ask before booking, then ask. We have a contact page for those type of issues. It’s better to resolve the concerns prior to booking.
What about milk and cookies with Santa?
Yes, that is always the plan. We ask that if that is not part of your child’s everyday diet that you make an exception for this one day.
But my child has a genuine allergy to milk or possibly some ingredient in the cookies.
That is a different story. Please email us to provide the specific allergy and we will either find an alternative or not use the milk and cookies part at all.
What if my small child is napping at the time?
Photos of Santa Claus holding a sleeping child can be precious moments to capture. They may go to sleep during story time. That will be okay as well. Just allow the natural flow of things to happen.
I already know my child is afraid of Santa Claus, should I book anyway?
Typically, yes. We are not in a rush given that you have a half hour. Let them explore the workshop and allow Santa Claus to interact as things develop. It may be best to have your own interest in the surroundings and not focus on the child. That communicates trust and confirms that this is a safe place to the child. In rare cases, Santa Claus and his elves may have to get creative to capture the moments.
Is there a Mrs. Claus?
Yes, but rarely will be available. She’s the busiest woman at the North Pole you know. Got to keep all those elves cookies going.
As the parent or guardian, what expectations do you have of me?
- Be well prepared to make the experience memorable.
- Be on time. Come early, swing by and make sure you can find the right spot. If you are late and another family is booked behind you, you will not be able to get the full value of the experience that you have planned.
- Have small children prepared and excited to meet Santa Claus.
- Try to ensure potty time has been taken care of before arriving.
- Well rested and well fed children are less cranky and their attention is less divided.
- No cell phones at all. No cell phone sounds, rings, buzzes, etc. I know this is a tough one in today’s world, but they are a distraction from what we are trying to accomplish.
- Please address Santa as either Santa or Santa Claus.
- Please do not promise that Santa will bring them anything.
- Please do not use Santa as leverage for better behavior. If you child is appropriate age, Santa will remind them to be good and kind.
How will I receive my photos?
Within a few days or less you will receive the electronic media with all the best photos captured in the mail or available for download from a photo sharing site with a private invite (password protected invite). The speed of having them available will depend entirely on the workshop’s production schedule.
Does that mean I won’t receive all photos taken?
Yes, we will eliminate out of focus, eyes closed or partially closed, too dark, etc. photos from the media we send you. These photos need to best represent your family, Amelia Island Santa, and our photographer in a positive way. Trust us that you will probably have too many photos to choose from than not enough.
Can I reproduce the photos any way I see fit?
Yes and No. Yes you can reproduce them in any way for you to keep and to share with friends and family for you personally or through social media. No, you cannot use the photos to promote a business or to sell the photographs.
What if I want the photos edited, filtered, special effects added and the like or I need help finding a place to reproduce them in a particular format?
Our photographers can help you with that, but you are not restricted to only using them. These are your photographs and as such you are not restricted to who you must use. Keep in mind that these photos represent our photographer's work and they would be the most concerned with the quality of those images.
Speaking of photographers, how does that fit in with the spirit of the experience?
Our photographers will be elves. Elves that just received a new camera and are so excited to use it. This will not matter to tiny babies or much older children, but the ones in between will see a photographer in black slacks and a white shirt as a distraction. Plus, who doesn’t love a jolly old elf? The photographer will attempt to grab as many natural photos as possible. We will not normally pose the photos. There is plenty of time to allow natural photos to develop.
Does Santa know sign language or other languages other than English?
Not at this time. As these skills are acquired for basic communications, the website will be updated to reflect that.
Is Santa available for other events or private photo shoots in the home?
Possibly, please send an email through our contact page and identify what specific request you may have. Santa has a ton of ideas, but very little time, so we may be able to arrange something that works for you.